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「樓宇復修好戲系列」第一集 | 爺孫玩救層樓宇宙 (Chinese only)




媽,好亂呀!呀唔係,嫲,好亂呀!!究竟陳湛文係阿孫定阿爺,馮素波係阿嫲定係孫女,層樓係冇穿冇爛定冧咗?要解開謎底,睇嚟都要去一轉 #樓宇復修資源中心 先至搵到。





Building Rehabilitation Resources Centre Series

Building Rehabilitation Resources Centre Series

A series of three episodes, featuring talented actors Alice Fung, Peter Chan, and Kason, who use their excellent acting skills to introduce the "Building Rehabilitation Resource Centre" and explain the importance of Preventive Maintenance.
Building Rehabilitation Guidebook

Building Rehabilitation Guidebook

In connection with the maintenance of the common parts of buildings, this Guidebook intends to provide a simple and easy guide not only for the OCs, but also for the owners who have no OCs in their buildings, to properly plan and execute building rehabilitation works.