Planning on rehabilitating your building?
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Generally, there are 6 main steps to building rehabilitation. They are:
Seeking Owners' Consensus
‘Communicate with and get a consensus among owners, which is informed by a thorough understanding of building rehabilitation’. As the foremost step to building rehabilitation, owners should begin with proper communication and preparation, through which the reasons for rehabilitation and consequences of its negligence are made clear, and relevant useful information including the workflow of rehabilitation is acquired. For buildings without any owners’ organisations, an Owners’ Corporation (OC) may be formed. In this case, owners’ meetings shall be convened to discuss and resolve on the implementation of the building rehabilitation works.
Appointment of Works Consultant
‘Prepare for the appointment of works consultant’. In view of the interdisciplinary expertise involved in building rehabilitation, qualified works consultant with a high degree of professionalism and integrity helps facilitate the smooth coordination and supervision of works involved. At this stage, owners/OCs should gain a thorough understanding of the duties and scope of services of works consultant, in order to prepare appropriate tender documents and procure works consultant in compliance with relevant laws.
Condition Survey and Tender Preparation
‘Carry out thorough inspection of building for a rehabilitation proposal and relevant tender documents to be penned’. The appointed works consultant shall study relevant documentation such as statutory orders, building plans and DMC of the building; carry out field survey on the condition and potential issues of common areas of the building; examine the needs to renovate and improve facilities; report to owners/OCs duly and formulate rehabilitation proposal and works tender with cost estimate for reference.
Appointment of Works Contractor
‘Prepare works tender and appoint works contractor’, with procedures similar to those involved in the procurement of works consultant. Under the guidance of the works consultant, owners/OCs should equip themselves with a thorough understanding of the detailed scope of works, as well as the roles and qualification requirements of contractor for the approval of tender and tendering procedures for works contractor in accordance with requirements of relevant laws.
Works Commencement and Site Supervision
‘Ensure smooth execution of works with proper supervision’. Before the commencement of works, the works consultant shall ensure proper completion of preparation work, including purchase of insurance and formulating site supervision plan. In the course of the works, the works consultant is responsible for the supervision of works progress, quality assurance and payment certification. Owners/OCs may convene regular meetings to discuss issues arising from the project for reinforcing the supervision of works. If necessary, the appointment of independent clerks of works may be considered for the enhancement of works quality.
Works Inspection and Completion
‘Complete building rehabilitation works to give the subject building a new lease of life’. This involves acceptance inspection of all works items by owners/OCs in the company of the works consultant, who documents any missing or defective parts before confirming completion of works by issuing completion certificates. If statutory orders for the building have been received, declaration of works completion must also be made to relevant authorities by the works consultant/works contractor to apply for order discharge. After completion of building rehabilitation works, owners/OCs should remain diligent in observing maintenance routines, including maintenance cycle planning and etc.
Rehab Case Sharing
Issues and difficulties emerged in previous rehabilitation projects. Owners/ OCs who had their rehabilitation projects properly completed share their experience for latecomers to make reference to when similar issues arise.
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