The online application system has been updated and reinstated
The online application system for the Integrated Building Rehabilitation Assistance Scheme was reinstated on 29 November 2024. Owners can choose to complete and submit electronic forms via the "Online Services Platform."
For individual building owners who would like to apply for subsidies under "Operation Building Bright 2.0" and "Lift Modernisation Subsidy Scheme", please note that the online application service is only applicable to the building owners who have received “Application Notice” from our office on or after 29 November 2024. This notice contains a dedicated invitation code for the respective building, and the applicant shall input the dedicated invitation code in the online applications and submit their application within the stated application period.
If the building / building owner does not have a dedicated invitation code, the application cannot be submitted by “Online Services Platform”. Please download and submit the duly completed application form in person or by mail to the office of the Building Rehabilitation Division of the Urban Renewal Authority. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.