Energy saving can achieve a dual-purpose of getting cheaper electricity bills and less carbon emissions to the atmosphere. Retrofitting the electrical installations in old buildings as part of rehabilitation can be a cost effective solution to lower the ongoing operating cost of buildings. Only lighting and air-conditioning system retrofits are presented here. Professional advice on the upgrading options of other electrical systems (such as lifts and pump systems) should be sought on a case-by-case basis to determine the economic feasibility.
Lighting – It is a significant part of the electricity consumption in common areas of buildings, with the lobby, corridors and staircases being lit round the clock during the day. In the old days, it is not common to find buildings equipped with incandescent light bulbs or low energy efficiency fluorescent tubes in the common areas, it is not uncommon to identify such fixtures in the old buildings nowadays. It makes sense economically to upgrade them to more energy efficient alternatives as part of building renovation. Below are some of the energy retrofit options:
Additional information: EMSD HKEE Net

Air conditioning system - Air conditioning constitutes a major proportion of building energy use due to Hong Kong’s sub-tropical climate. Cost saving can be achieved by choosing products with Grade 1 energy efficiency label as registered under the Mandatory Energy Efficiency Labelling Scheme. The scheme classifies different models of room air conditioners based on their power ratings, with Grade 1 products being the most efficient and Grade 5 products the least efficient. A Grade 1 room air-conditioner can save energy by 29% over a Grade 5 unit. The cost premium for the more energy efficient air-conditioners will be returned from the saving on electricity costs over the usable life of the appliances.
Additional information: EMSD’s Mandatory Energy Efficiency Labelling Scheme