RenoSafe Scheme
In Hong Kong, there are an increasing number of aging buildings in need of building rehabilitation. With a view to deter the problem of criminal syndicates or triad gangsters engage in those building rehabilitation works by unlawful means, the Organized Crime and Triad Bureau (OCTB) set up an Internal Working Group earlier to make recommendations and formulate strategic tactics on long-term publicity, crime prevention, fight crime work, gathering of intelligence and law enforcement. This Working Group will also monitor the progress of how the project is implemented.
The Police Force has also established an Interdepartmental Working Group with other government departments and public bodies. The Chief Superintendent of OCTB is appointed as the Chairman by the Working Group, which comprises the representative of Buildings Department, Independent Commission Against Corruption, Hong Kong Housing Society, Urban Renewal Authority and Home Affairs Department. After considerations and discussions, the Working Group decided to launch a scheme namely “RenoSafe Scheme” in early September, which is a publicity scheme of crime prevention. The Scheme aims to prevent consultant firms, building contractors, or any person to employ unlawful means to affect the tendering and the process of works in building renovation projects. The participating government departments and public bodies will play different roles in the process of building renovation, and provide professional advice, assistance and support to those residents who have commissioned renovation works.
Phase I of the Scheme covers publicity and education work, each Incorporated Owners participating in the Scheme will be given a copy of an integrated service package which introduces crimes related to building renovation, the assistance provided by participating government departments and public bodies with their hotlines as well as the contact point of the Anti-triad Squad of the respective Police District. Posters displaying the telephone numbers of participating government departments and public bodies will be put up at prominent positions inside and outside the participating buildings. Banners may also be hung on the external walls of the buildings so as to maximise the effect on publicity and crime prevention.
Following the work of publicity in Phase I, members of the Interdepartmental Working Group will maintain close contact with each other, and monitor closely the status of participating buildings and offer appropriate assistance. The Working Group will also review the effectiveness of the Scheme and enhance interdepartmental co-operation aiming to provide quality services for the public.
Moreover, the OCTB has co-ordinated the resources of all Regions to launch crime prevention publicity campaigns, such as delivering talks on crime prevention from time to time to help those residents, incorporated owners and mutual aid committees in need.
Organised Crime and Triad Hotline: 25277887