第一集介紹的「點子」(idea) 是「樓宇老幼8件事」,即無論任何樓齡都需注意的復修事項。
● 樓宇必須時刻保養,樓齡「年過30」才驗樓和進行第一次維修工程,對保持樓宇良好狀態來說絕對不足夠。業主應該在屋苑落成入伙時,便盡早制定樓宇的周期保養計劃,由樓宇年輕時開始,定期進行維修保養,這便能有效延緩樓宇老化速度,亦減輕樓宇在30年才一次過處理各項維修問題的難度。
● 樓宇進行定期維修時,要從外到內,就公用地方的八項樓宇結構組件或設施(結構、天面防水、外牆、食水及排污系統、窗戶、電力系統、消防設備和升降機)進行定期維修和保養,便可以保持樓宇良好狀態,大家住得舒適又放心!
To rectify the common misunderstandings among owners on building rehabilitation, the URA is producing a video series of four episodes in the format of drama and case interviews in Chinese. Knowledge on building rehabilitation will be shared in an easy-to-comprehend way in a bid to turn everyone into a rehabilitation expert.
Planning on rehabilitating your building?
Learn more about the workflow now!
In connection with the maintenance of the common parts of buildings, this Guidebook intends to provide a simple and easy guide not only for the OCs, but also for the owners who have no OCs in their buildings, to properly plan and execute building rehabilitation works.