第二集分享的「點子」是【「團」結有「法」】 ,講解業主齊心組織業主立案法團的方法及重要性。
● 單位業主有責任共同管理和維修其樓宇的公用地方,而法團對籌組樓宇維修工程以至做好日常管理和保養,有長遠益處。
● 然而一般業主都擔心組織法團十分困難,要業主齊集召開會議並不容易,加上自己缺乏知識處理法團事務,還是不要組織法團。
● 事實上,只要有合共擁有不少於5%業權份數的業主,便可召開業主會議商討成立法團。業主會議只要有10%的業主出席,並獲出席會議的過半數票通過,及獲不少於30%業權份數的業主支持,便可通過成立法團。
● 業主在法團的統籌和協助下,可以更有效率地統籌大廈管理、保養和維修的事項,並可以申請市建局的樓宇復修資助計劃,改善樓宇安全和居住環境。業主只要齊心,絕對有能力將成立法團的工作付諸實行。
To rectify the common misunderstandings among owners on building rehabilitation, the URA is producing a video series of four episodes in the format of drama and case interviews in Chinese. Knowledge on building rehabilitation will be shared in an easy-to-comprehend way in a bid to turn everyone into a rehabilitation expert.
Planning on rehabilitating your building?
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In connection with the maintenance of the common parts of buildings, this Guidebook intends to provide a simple and easy guide not only for the OCs, but also for the owners who have no OCs in their buildings, to properly plan and execute building rehabilitation works.