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● 業主通常以為到大維修時才需夾錢,其實業主可與法團和管理公司商討,每月除了繳付管理費外,亦為維修儲備基金設立專款專用的戶口,並每月定期作出供款,而有關款項不能用於支付大廈的日常管理開支。
● 當大廈進行較大型的公用地方或設施的維修工程時,只要按照程序,通過業主大會議決,便可以動用這筆儲備基金支付全部或部分的工程費用,減輕業主一筆過負擔大額維修費的財政壓力。
● 適當的維修保養,業主除了可享受舒適的居住環境外,更可保持樓宇良好狀態,為其「保值」,使物業在市場上維持吸引力。




Building Rehabilitation Media Series

Building Rehabilitation Media Series

To rectify the common misunderstandings among owners on building rehabilitation, the URA is producing a video series of four episodes in the format of drama and case interviews in Chinese.  Knowledge on building rehabilitation will be shared in an easy-to-comprehend way in a bid to turn everyone into a rehabilitation expert.
Building Rehabilitation Guidebook

Building Rehabilitation Guidebook

In connection with the maintenance of the common parts of buildings, this Guidebook intends to provide a simple and easy guide not only for the OCs, but also for the owners who have no OCs in their buildings, to properly plan and execute building rehabilitation works.