The University of Hong Kong - Department of Real Estate & Construction launches online platform on Building Maintenance Cost (BMC) Database and Estimator
Building neglect has been a long-standing problem in Hong Kong. The presence of aging buildings lacking proper and timely repairs and maintenance poses potential threats to the safety and health of their residents, as well as members of the public.
A team of academics from the Department of Real Estate & Construction, the University of Hong Kong, has been initiating and continuing research projects that are committed to ensuring the proper safety and conditions of buildings in Hong Kong since the late 1990s. The Building Health and Hygiene Index (BHHI) and the Building Safety & Condition Index (BSCI) were among these research projects, which attracted public attention and impacted the local community. It is widely acknowledged that building owners need to take the initiative to conduct regular inspections and carry out proper and timely repairs to and maintenance of their buildings. However, building maintenance is usually complicated and expensive and repairs require extensive professional input. As most building owners do not have the expert knowledge, experience, and time to professionally manage or maintain their buildings, they are vulnerable to exploitative methods such as bid-rigging and price inflation by unscrupulous consultants and contractors whom they consult when undertaking building maintenance projects.The team has been trying to improve the transparency of building maintenance costs and making available maintenance cost information for reference and benchmarking.
A dedicated interactive online platform, including a Building Maintenance Cost (BMC) Estimator has been established to disseminate the findings of this pilot project. For details, please browse here.