Blockage or leakage of components of the supply system such as pipes or valves; rusty pipes or dirty supply tanks; pump failure, breakage of supply pipe; defective water tanks, pipes (pipe joints) or valves; defective or missing water tank cover; leakage in the system after water meters; and defective water pumps; or undue water pressure.
Maintenance Responsibility?
Under Waterworks Ordinance (Cap. 102), both Registered Agents or Management Offices and Registered Customers are responsible for the maintenance or repair of the associated water supply facilities within the premises. Please go to the Water Supplies Department webpage for more details.
How to handle?
Many old buildings are still using galvanized iron (G.I.) pipes for fresh water supply. As G.I. pipes are prone to corrosion over time, they are currently prohibited by Water Supplies Department. Maintenance works in these buildings should include the total replacement of the G.I. pipes by suitable approved materials such as copper pipes or PVC lined G.I. pipes.
Section 16 of Waterworks Ordinance (Cap 102) - Water Supplies Department (WSD)
- unauthorized alteration of waterworks;
- non-compliance of inside services or fire services under the provisions of the Waterworks Ordinance.
Public Health and Municipal Services Ordinance (Cap 132)- Food & Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD)