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Since the contract value of largescale building rehabilitation works usually exceeds 20% of the annual budget of OC, the acceptance of tenders received must be determined at owners’ meetings in compliance with the requirements stipulated in the Building Management Ordinance. Owners should attend the meetings in person and participate actively by voting for suitable works contractor to protect their own interest.

Best Practice (non-mandatory)

Owners/OCs may consider the following recommended procedures to enhance the transparency and legitimacy of the entire procurement process of works contractor, where owners are given sufficient opportunity and time to participate in the discussion and assessment of tenders received, express their opinions and equip themselves with more information to minimise miscommunication and facilitate smooth selection of suitable works contractor, signing of contract and execution of works.


Before the owners’ meeting

Owners/OCs may:

•   Place a copy of complete analysis report on received tenders with all necessary details at the building management office or other prominent

     location (if possible) for owners’ reference;
•   Provide an abstract of the analysis report (say one to two pages) for all owners to gain an understanding of the tenders received before voting at

     the owners’ meeting;
•   Organise consultation meetings where appropriate to offer owners sufficient opportunity to understand issues concerning the project and express

     their opinions or concerns for further elucidation;
•   Remind and recommend owners to attend the meeting in person in the meeting notice and instrument of proxy to enhance transparency and

     legitimacy of the process.

During the owners’ meeting

Owners/OCs may include designated agendas in the meeting notice, for example:

•   A resolution on the signing of contract by designated members of the MC, where representatives of owners or building management company of

    the building are authorised to sign as witnesses to enhance impartiality.